
In the midst of trees and shrubs there is our miniramp. You can use it in the afternoon from 15:00. On Thursdays the ramp is reserved for children (8+ years) and beginners. At this time, skating is supervised by a social worker or experienced skaters and important tips are given. In general, the ramp can be used by people aged 14 years or older without supervision.

You can borrow skateboards and protective gear free of charge.

If your board is broken and you have no pocket money at hand to have it repaired, you can get a used board and spare parts from our second hand-skate shop. Simply ask the locals!

Times of use:
weekdays: 9:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 20:00
Thursday :15:00 – 18:00 – skating for kids and beginners
(at the week-end only after arrangement!)